Something about the rock..
Yeah, same as above just about
Some blurry crap
Joe can play with his eyes closed!
Up close with Joe
Joe having fun on drums
Punk's aren't emo...Joe
John looking emo too
Homeless on bass
Being thugs with Tony Feather
Girls just wanna have fun, you know?
Joe on drums again man.
Another boring red thing...yeah its live
The Rock really brought us down
Zach doing something
Zach and
high school show
another high school
and then another high school one
too punk to smile?
Jon to the crowd
To the crowd and then...
Zach, Jon and Homeless
Jon and homeless
Jon and homeless again
Joe on drums
Jon playing bass...
My my whats this?
Jon rocking out..haha
Jon's playing bass
Jon singing
Joe and the homeless